da Federico Caneschi | Mar 4, 2021 | Events
La Tavola Secondo Me È passato un anno da quando questa orribile pandemia si è impossessata delle nostre abitudini e non solo… molti dicono che questo tempo è volato ma, per me che di Lavoro creo eventi e momenti di aggregazione, sembra un’eternità! Il...
from Federico Caneschi | Dec 29, 2020 | Events
MY CHRISTMAS TABLE Here is the second of the three tables designed for the festive season... My Christmas Table... I know Christmas has already passed, but I really believe that this option could also be suitable for other events such as a birthday party or even a birthday party.
from Federico Caneschi | Oct 16, 2020 | Weddings
September Wedding September wedding in Tuscany has always been considered one of the most popular months for weddings in Tuscany, and this year in particular given the situation we are experiencing. September Wedding in Tuscany In the...
da Federico Caneschi | Ago 25, 2020 | Events
L’EVENTO A CASA TUA Realizzare un evento a casa tua… 30° COMPLEANNO FRANCESCA Happy Birthday… I 30 Anni sono un traguardo importante per tutti, una sorta di cambio marcia e la festeggiata voleva una festa tutta a tema Flower Power… La...
from Federico Caneschi | Jul 9, 2020 | Weddings
THE WEDDING PLANNER What does the Wedding Planner do? It is a figure that in recent years has been cleared through television, thanks also to Enzo Miccio who has taken us far and wide around Italy, sometimes creating the perception that this service is just a...